Who doesn't love a soft comfortable couch at home?
After a long hours at the office we like to sit back and relax right?
Here are 3 chairs just for you couch lovers out there
For Accupuncture Therapy to release tension
For steam bath to relax muscles
For Snakes to slither
Dare to get one?!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Having Fun with memes
Have you ever gone on a blind date? Yes. it was ways back college days. They all come in different types from a hot sexy college student, to a maria Clara and to a rocker chick (wink)
Skipped school? yup, but lets not discuss the reasons
Been on a plane? Yep, Domestic
Been lost? in a mall... when i was a kid
Swam in the ocean? Yep
Cried yourself to sleep? Yes, i was dreaming
Played cops and robbers? with my cousins
Played dolls? hell no!
Recently colored with crayons? nope, i guess a couple of months from now with my zoie
Sang Karaoke? yep, on the resto we went to celebrate Father's Days
Paid for a meal with coins only? i can't remember
Done something you said you wouldnt? Yes, havent we all?
Cheated on a test? Yes, the small paper with test answers was put it inside a bag of chips
Made prank phone calls? Yes
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? n/a
Danced in the rain? Yes
Written a letter to Santa Claus? i humbly say YES
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about? i'll be planning it.
Been kissed under the mistletoe? No
Gone ice skating? it was a long time ago. But i know how to skate
Been skinny dipping outdoors? lets see.. hhmm. hehehe
Favorite drink Im allowed on a regular basis- water
Tattoos? wish i could have one
Body piercings? wish i could have one
Vacation spot? ANY WHITE BEACH
Eaten cookies for dinner? never
Ever been on TV? No
Ever been in a car accident? Yes, the hired driver fell asleep the van swerved and as he tries to recover, it was late van turned turtle top on the side of the road. well thank God im still here blogging about this. Good times
Favorite number and why ? 19, its my birth date
Favorite movie? i dunno to many to mention
Favorite holiday? Christmas!
Favorite smells? baby zoie's scent
What do you do to relax? sleep
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Somewhere in a different country with my family
I am supposed to tag other people, but I know there are a fair few people out there who don’t like to do these sort of memes or surveys, so I’ll leave it up to you if you want to do this or not. If you do, leave me a comment so I can link back to you
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
What a day
I'm all worked up today
Seems like all the emails, PO (orders) and requests does not stop.
It keeps on pouring like rain.
Never again i will request to change my sked... well lets see about it :D
When i got home i will defenitely be down and out on our bed that is after
Zoie's bath, a couple of hours bonding with her, and a game of NBA Live.
Good Times... :D
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
NBA Finals was Sea of Green
There are no new records to be written.
The BIG THREE ( Allen, KG, Pierce) was to big to chop down.
The Lakers that i expected to play hard and with energy was not there.
Their big men ( Gasol & Odom ) was hardly felt down on the post.
Kobe was hardly a factor on the 2nd half of the game. He should have drive hard
to the basket when they are already down. It's impossible not foul will be called But,
Boston having played a superb game offensively and defensively
Ray Allen guns blazing shooting 7 triples tied most 3 shot made on a finals game.
KG was dominant on the post and the perimeter and
Paul Pierced named finals mvp for a steady performance on the series
Well hands up to Boston for a season. Having acquired Ray Allen & Kevin Garnett
from the off season to give Paul Pierce some fire power, and he definitely got some!
They have been in the NBA for quite some time now, and superstars on their on right.
I guess it time to give them one.
Till next season...
Monday, June 16, 2008
Test of Resiliency
Los Angeles Lakers did what they need to do, Stay afloat on this series, protect their home court and not let the Boston celtics celebrate on their house.
Now the true test of heart and resiliency of the Lakers will be tested. Going to Boston for game 6 & 7 if necessary.
Here are my pointers for for Game 6
- Kobe should take charge lead the attack
- Pau Gasol and Lamar should be felt
- Shooters needs to be on target
- Bench support on starters offensively and defensively
Friday, June 13, 2008
Questions To Ponder
1. Where is your cell phone? inside my bag
2. Your significant other? at home with zoie
3. Your hair? short
4. Your mother? at our house
5. Your father? with my mom
6. Your favorite thing? my phone
7. Your dream last night? yes, but i can't remember
8 Your favorite drink? Water, Coke
9. Your dream/goal? To live a happy and healthy life with my family
10. The room you’re in? at the office
11. Your hobby? Basketball, etc
12. Your fear? Death
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? with my family living in a different country
14. Muffins? pass next question
15. One of your wish list items? Xbox
16. The last thing you did? got some snack
17. What are you wearing? jacket, shirt and jeans
18. Favorite Gadget? Cell phone / Camera
19. Your pets? died along time ago :(
20. Your computer? Desktop
21. Your mood? anxious
22. Missing someone? Yes
23 Your car? trying to buy one
24. Something you’re not wearing? hmmm.. Watch
25. Favorite store? Bench
26. Like someone? Yes, Bonz and zoie
27. Your favorite color? blue
28. When is the last time you laughed? 30 mins. ago
29. Last time you cried? im not sure
I am supposed to tag other people, but I know there are a fair few people out there who don’t like to do these sort of memes or surveys, so I’ll leave it up to you if you want to do this or not. If you do, leave me a comment so I can link back to you.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Sound Technology
A person hears a voice in her ear, turns around and sees nobody there. No one else has heard it. Or she hears footsteps in a room, the product of an invisible presence. Is her mind playing tricks on her?
A 28-year-old graduate F. Joseph Pompei student who is part scientist and part showman, Mr. Pompei has invented a device that projects a discrete beam of sound in much the same way a spotlight projects a beam of light.
The audio spotlight as Mr. Pompei has dubbed it emits a column of sound enveloped by silence, the way the glow of a spotlight is enveloped by darkness. Someone standing inside the beam emitted from his flat black disk hears the sound loud and clear. Outside the beam one hears silence or, if there are surfaces nearby, faint murmurs from the reflected sound waves. The beams can also bounce off walls to create an impression of the source of the sound.
Daimler-Chrysler has already tried the technology in a prototype truck, so that each passenger can listen to his or her favorite music without the annoyance (and, for the driver, danger) of headphones.
Likewise, imagine sitting at home next to a family member, who's watching some show you detest — but you don't care because you're outside the beam of sound and can't hear it.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Reasons NOT to Drink to Much
I'm person who loves to drink with bottles of beer with my cousins rather with my friends. ( on the 2nd thought...)
Having fun time is really great specially with your friends but there is always boundaries on drinking.
Follow this rules and you'll not end up like the pictures below
1. Thou shall not drink alone
2. Thou shall drink only with people thy trust
3. Thou shall not talk about people of the opposite sex while drunk
4. Thou shall not walk or drive while inebriated
5. Thou shall commence drinking only when thy spirits are soaring
6. Thou shall not drink when thy spirits are clouded by a sad disposition
7. Thou shall not mix thy drinks
8. Thou shall not talk about anything but idiotism
9. Thou shall not try to give advice while high
10.Thou shall drink only when everyone in thy company drinks1
1.Thou shall retire quietly to thy bed after gooooood fun
Here are some pictures that will show you why we need not to drink to much

Monday, June 2, 2008
What a great weekend at EK (Enchanted Kingdom)
Our Company provide us some tickets for this theme park. And i was planning to really have a great time on going there with my lovely wife unfortunately we couldn't bring our daughter with us. sniff :( We were able to have a fun time there together with my officemates.
Here are some of the pictures
( from left Sweet,April, Gen)
(from right Bonz, Chat, They)
( at back Heart & Hanni) I'm at the camera poor me :)
Me Getting wacky on Dino.
Do you want some?
Move over Brad and Angelina..
Here comes Mr. & Mrs. Ong
Your visit to EK is not complete if you haven't tried this ONE
I thought we will all ride, but they got scared. Well its ME, Hanni & Chat
are up to the challenge. BRING IT ON!
Waiting for the ride of our lives board the Space Shuttle
we also did Karting... and i did go fast... B was a little cautious about it
(she was saying its not a bumpcar lol :D )
Move over Speed Racer
we are ready to go home.
even though some money was slashed off my wallet.
It makes me fulfilled just seeing my wife
having all smiles all day and having a great time and
having new adventures, next time will all do it again with Zoie.