Thursday, June 19, 2008

Having Fun with memes

Have you ever gone on a blind date? Yes. it was ways back college days. They all come in different types from a hot sexy college student, to a maria Clara and to a rocker chick (wink)

Skipped school? yup, but lets not discuss the reasons

Been on a plane? Yep, Domestic

Been lost? in a mall... when i was a kid

Swam in the ocean? Yep

Cried yourself to sleep? Yes, i was dreaming

Played cops and robbers? with my cousins

Played dolls? hell no!

Recently colored with crayons? nope, i guess a couple of months from now with my zoie

Sang Karaoke? yep, on the resto we went to celebrate Father's Days

Paid for a meal with coins only? i can't remember

Done something you said you wouldnt? Yes, havent we all?

Cheated on a test? Yes, the small paper with test answers was put it inside a bag of chips

Made prank phone calls? Yes

Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yes

Caught a snowflake on your tongue? n/a

Danced in the rain? Yes

Written a letter to Santa Claus? i humbly say YES

Watched the sunrise with someone you care about? i'll be planning it.

Been kissed under the mistletoe? No

Gone ice skating? it was a long time ago. But i know how to skate

Been skinny dipping outdoors? lets see.. hhmm. hehehe

Favorite drink Im allowed on a regular basis- water

Tattoos? wish i could have one

Body piercings? wish i could have one

Vacation spot? ANY WHITE BEACH

Eaten cookies for dinner? never

Ever been on TV? No

Ever been in a car accident? Yes, the hired driver fell asleep the van swerved and as he tries to recover, it was late van turned turtle top on the side of the road. well thank God im still here blogging about this. Good times

Favorite number and why ? 19, its my birth date

Favorite movie? i dunno to many to mention

Favorite holiday? Christmas!

Favorite smells? baby zoie's scent

What do you do to relax? sleep

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Somewhere in a different country with my family

I am supposed to tag other people, but I know there are a fair few people out there who don’t like to do these sort of memes or surveys, so I’ll leave it up to you if you want to do this or not. If you do, leave me a comment so I can link back to you


Jemi said...

Thanks for posting this , Chris ! Your answers are pretty interesting!

Anonymous said...

I'll do the meme if you tag me ;)